It is called “Religious Sisters Appreciation Day” but the appreciation goes both ways.
The nuns, in their many different habits representing their different religious orders, as well as those in secular dress, enjoy every minute of this get-together and are extremely grateful for the attention seldom given!

This is a shared effort by the members of The Serra Club, the generous Sponsors and volunteers. Lou Jahde and Jim Hilger spend a great deal of time every year with the planning and major fundraising. But there are other important individuals such as Greg Gerken, who manages the gift solicitation, Bill & Katie Earley who provide the food and drink as well as the table gifts of flowers and candy. Then there are the ladies of The Stitchers, who make all the beautiful prizes that are given away, such as lovely afghans and quilts. Joan Switzer who is on the Committee with her husband Dick, made a gorgeous quilt as the grand prize that was a knock out. I cannot mention all the members of the committee and the many volunteers…young and old, but they definitely are the reasons that everything goes so smoothly. Although there were a good amount of donors, special recognition should be given to The Anchutz Foundation, as well as Mr & Mrs. Ralph Nagel whom Lou and I had a lovely dinner with at Vendome and who embody the philanthropic ideal of giving to others!

Lou and I sat at our table with Sr. Juanita, the youngest nun there. She is a Carmelite nun which I had always thought of as only a cloistered order. However, she informed me otherwise! I asked how many were in her convent and she said FOUR and they were all here at the luncheon, but had deliberately spread out to meet others. After lunch, this picture was taken of them.

Sr. Juanita gave me her card which reads: “We are committed to promoting a deeper spiritual life through Healthcare, Education and Retreats.”…that kind of says it all.
I end this blog with my personal observation of how wonderful it was to see all these women that have dedicated their lives to so many different giving professions, enjoying themselves and having a fun time. It is especially important to note that every one of them is given an envelope with a check and cash in it as well as having their number called to receive a prize. Their arms are full when they leave! They are also urged to take all the flowers with them. No one goes home empty-handed.
A couple of examples of what they might do with their money, as reported to us, is…”getting my first tablet!” And another told of “buying a new pair of shoes”!! Makes one think, doesn’t it?
Kari… what a wonderful thing to be involved with. I know Sister Juanita… Rocco has been a student at Saints Peter And Paul’s School since he was in Kindergarten and he’s is now in 5th grade. Amanda and I love the Carmelite Nuns…. ❤️
Wow Terrie. What a great connection. It makes my blog so much more personal!
Lou and I were very impressed with Sr. Juanita and are sure she is a great teacher.
Rocco is fortunate that you and Amanda placed him in good hands. 5th grade Wow!
Thanks for taking the time to write a comment 😘